Welcome to Home Care Solutions!  As a new employee, you will want to familiarize yourself with this handbook so that you will able to provide the best possible care for our clients.  Orientation will also be provided.

In order for our company to continue its success, we strive for team work, dedication, and professionalism.  Our employees are our most valuable asset and we hope you will find your career here rewarding.

The elderly population has so much to offer with their knowledge and experience, and as an employee, you have so much to gain by caring for them.  I encourage you to talk with your clients and listen to what they have to say.  Ask them about their lives, careers, families, and allow them to talk and to remember.  If you take this opportunity to learn, you’ll both be enriched by the experience.  Again, welcome and enjoy your clients!


Jenny L. Wolff, R.N.





To explain to all employees their benefits, opportunities, and responsibilities while employed by the company.


Each employee will be given an Employee Handbook at the time of employment.  The handbook includes summaries of key policies, procedures, and standards governing employment at Home Care Solutions.  Employees will be asked to read it carefully, and acknowledge in writing that they have received it and understand it.


The President/CFO of Home Care Solutions is Jenny L. Wolff, R.N.  She has been a Registered Nurse for 30 years and has primarily worked in the home care field as a Case Manager.  She has a vast knowledge of home care activities, requirements, and resources available specifically to the elderly from state and local agencies.

Jenny Wolff launched Home Companion Specialists, LLC in April, 2007.  After receiving Joint Commission Accreditation and full Home health agency status, the name was changed to Home Care Solutions to better reflect the care offered by the agency.  The goal is to provide private services to the elderly and aging population and to make each client feel a personal, caring relationship with all caregivers.  We strive to individualize each plan of care with all clients, to help them maintain independence and dignity throughout their aging years and to make Home Care Solutions the agency they return to for all their needs.


To provide an unprecedented level of personal, caring services designed simply and efficiently to free more time in our clients’ lives.
Achieving Accreditation Demonstrates our Commitment to Providing High Quality and Safe Care to our Patients.


Equal Opportunity

Home Care Solutions maintains a policy of nondiscrimination with all employees and applicants for employment.  All aspects of employment with us are governed on the basis of merit, competence, and qualifications and will not be influenced in any manner by race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, handicap, or veteran status.

Corporate Compliance Plan

It is the policy of Home Care Solutions, LLC to comply with all federal, State, and local laws that govern our corporate activities.  This is equally applicable to all employees, officers, Directors, and representatives.  Federal laws related to Medicare and Medicaid health programs are the Plan’s primary focus, but there are other laws that also require adherence.  Such laws and regulations administered or promulgated by the Food and Drug Administration, the Agency for Health Care Administration, Occupational Safety and Health Agency, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and others must be followed.

Home Care Solutions HIPPA Policy

As an employee and as a condition of the employment, you will be asked to sign a copy of the HIPPA Policy (Health Information Portability Privacy Act) of confidentiality at the time of hire and periodically throughout your term of employment to acknowledge your awareness of, and reaffirm your commitment to this policy.  Violation of HIPPA policy will result in severe discipline, up to and including termination.  Discretion is the mark of a professional and professional conduct is expected as a condition of your employment.

Employment of Relatives

Home Care Solutions permits the employment of qualified relatives of employees as long as such employment does not, in the opinion of the company, create actual or perceived conflicts of interest.  For purposes of this policy, a “relative” is a spouse, child, parent, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, first-cousin or corresponding in-law or “step” relation.  The company will exercise sound judgment in the placement of related employees. 

Personnel Files

Home Care Solutions maintains personnel files on each employee.  These files contain documentation regarding all aspects of the employee’s tenure with the company, such as performance appraisals, disciplinary warning notices and letters of commendation.  We also maintain records including payroll, emergency contact and other personal information. 

There is an abundance of paperwork to be completed upon employment and it is crucial that we receive your completed paperwork in a timely manner.  Failure to complete and turn in all paperwork may result in a suspension of duties.  

To ensure that your personnel file is up-to-date at all times, notify your supervisor of any changes in your name, telephone number, home address, marital status, number of dependents, scholastic achievements, the individuals to notify in case of an emergency and so forth.  If we don’t have a good contact number for you, you can not be called for assignments. The Office Manager will attempt to call you for an assignment twice before moving to the next available caregiver.

Disaster Preparedness

A disaster could be floods, forest fires, hurricanes, tornados, pandemic flu, or bioterrorism.  Everyone should have their own personal plans made for each kind of disaster and be prepared to carry it out as needed.  If in a clients’ home during a disaster, remain there until it is safe to navigate the roads. All employees will provide their supervisor with a destination phone number if planning to leave the local area and will call in upon return.  All employees are expected to return to work as soon as it is safe to do so.

We strive to maintain rates of pay that are comparable or superior to those of other companies in our industry for similar kinds of work.  Federal and State laws and regulations require that employees and the employer contribute to Social Security (FICA), State Unemployment Insurance (SUI), and Workers’ Compensation.  You will see these deductions in detail on your pay stubs.

Paid Time Off

After completing 6 months of employment with Home Care Solutions, you will start to accrue paid time off according to the amount of hours you work. For example an employee who works a 40 hour work week on a continual basis will receive one week paid time off per year.  After 3 years of employment, employees receive the equivalent of 2 weeks PTO.  Accrued time off is available for your use after 6 months of satisfactory employment.


Our pay periods are bi-weekly from Saturday through Friday.  Paychecks will be available to distribute on Friday of the pay cycle.  We offer Direct Deposit of your paycheck and encourage you to take advantage of this benefit.  Please see the Office Manager for the form.

Company Rules and Standards of Conduct


Employees require certain guidelines pertaining to their conduct and relationships.  Accordingly, it is important that all of us be aware of our responsibilities to the company and to fellow employees.

It is our intention to take a constructive approach in this area and at the same time ensure that actions which would interfere with our operations or an employee’s job are not continued.

As a representative of our company, you are required to adhere to our standards.  Not conforming to our standards will result in one of the following forms of disciplinary action:  verbal warning, written warning, decision leave, or discharge.  In arriving at a proper course of action, the seriousness of the infraction will be considered.

Although it is impossible to identify every possible violation of standards of conduct, the following is a partial list of infractions which will result in disciplinary action:

  • Falsifying company records including application for employment

  • Falsifying client records including time worked and client signatures.

  • Theft, fraud, or embezzlement of client or company.

  • Using company information for unauthorized purposes or personal use.

  • Carrying concealed weapons or explosives or violating criminal laws while in the clients’ home.

  • Working under the influence of drugs or alcohol or bringing drugs or alcohol to the clients’ home.

  • Immoral or indecent conduct.

  • Verbal, visual, or physical conduct constituting sexual harassment.

  • Verbal, visual, or physical conduct constituting abuse of clients.

  • Excessive absenteeism or tardiness.

  • Performance that does not meet the requirements of the position.

  • Soliciting or accepting gratuities or gifts of property from client.

  • Using clients’ personal property such as computers, stereo equipment or cars without the clients’ expressed permission.

  • Taking family members (children, boyfriends, husbands) or friends to the clients’ home with you on your assignment.

  • Conducting personal business while on company/client time.

  • Withholding information regarding another employee who has performed any of infractions listed above.

  • Excessive of cell phones in the client’s home is not permitted and subject to immediate termination when reported by the client.

Florida Department of Law Enforcement Background Screening

As mandated by the Company’s licensure, all employees will undergo a Level 2 background screening to be completed no more than 14 days after hire date.  Negative information received from screening may be cause for immediate termination of employment.  The employee will be charged a fee and it will be deducted from your first two paychecks.  Background screenings are valid for a period of 5 years. 

Employees who provide transportation to clients must provide Home Care Solutions with a copy of current and valid auto insurance coverage.

Sexual Harassment 

Our Board of Directors intends to give special emphasis to our policies prohibiting sexual harassment.

You should understand what is meant by sexual harassment.  Generally, sexual harassment occurs when: (1) submission to the sexual advances of a supervisor is a term or condition of hire, continued employment, or promotion: and (2) non-submission affects the worker’s or applicant’s hire, continued employment or opportunity for promotion.  Sexual harassment also occurs where supervisors or co-workers make unwelcome advances, abusive physical contacts or repeated comments or gestures of a sexual nature which create a hostile or intimidating working environment or which interfere with the employee’s work performance. 

The law prohibits male-to-female, female-to-male, female-to-female as well as male-to-male sexual harassment.

Client Abuse/Perceived Abuse and Neglect

Client abuse may be physical, sexual, verbal, or mental, intentional or negligent.  Any indication or knowledge of sexual harassment or client abuse should be reported to the elder abuse hotline by calling 1-800-96-ABUSE.  An investigator will assist you in completing your call and you can remain anonymous if you are more comfortable with that.  However, you are mandated by law to report suspected and or actual abuse of elders as soon as you have knowledge of it.  You must also report it to your supervisor or the Office Manager.

The charges will be investigated fully.  If charges have been brought against an employee and if substantiated, the employee will be dismissed immediately.  Criminal charges will also be filed with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

Jenny Wolff is the Corporate Compliance Officer.  You may call her 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 850-433-0733 or e-mail her at jenny@homecarefl.com.


It is imperative that employees be punctual and in attendance for every assignment.  The following attendance policies must be followed at all times. 

Calling In for Illness or Emergency

Call-in’s for illness or emergency must be NO LESS than 4 hours before your scheduled shift. Call-in’s will be documented in your employee file. Excessive call in’s will result in either the employee being required to provide written documentation from a physician or termination.

Absence Without Notice

It is NEVER acceptable to not show up to a scheduled appointment with a client without a call to us AND/or the client PRIOR to the time of the appointment. If this occurs you will be dismissed from our agency. We cannot afford to make exceptions on this rule. It makes us look unprofessional and it will not be tolerated.

Schedule Changes

Schedule changes for reasons such as Doctor’s Appointments/Dentist Appointments/Court Appearances/Vacations or for any other reason that is non-emergency or illness related MUST BE approved by us prior to the change. This must also be done a minimum of One Week prior to the change being made. If you are unable to give us at least One Week’s advance notice then you need to reschedule your appointment. The schedule change will be done by using the Schedule Change Form. You may bring the form to us, fax the form to us (provided it is followed up by a phone call to verify that we received it) or mailed to us (also provided it is followed up by a phone call to us to verify we received it and that we receive it a minimum of One Week prior to the schedule change).


When a holiday falls on the same day as a scheduled appointment for a client you are not expected to be at the clients on that day (with the exception of special needs clients). We do ask that you make every effort to try to reschedule the missed hours with that client within that same week whenever possible. If you wish to have any other days off surrounding that holiday you must refer to the policy regarding schedule changes and follow that procedure. Holidays that are included are New Years Day, Easter, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

When providing 24 hour care, you may NOT leave your client until your relief has arrived.  Remember that our clients depend on our caregivers and expect them to stay until the other person arrives.  Do not leave them alone. 

If your relief person has not arrived 30 minutes after his/her report time, please call your supervisor so that you may be relieved.  Leaving a client alone may constitute abuse and/or abandonment and could result in termination of employment.


All our employees will dress in a professional, business-like, and well-groomed manner.  Physical cleanliness is of extreme importance when dealing with our clients.  We prefer that you wear scrubs and have tops and jackets available for purchase for $5 per piece.  

Standards of personal appearance include:

  • Hair should be clean, combed and well maintained in a businesslike style.

  • Attire should be professional in nature and appropriate to your work situation. Shorts, suggestive or revealing clothing, sandals, and open-toed shoes are not permitted.

  • Facial Piercings of any kind or other exposed pierced body parts (with the exception of up to two holes in the ears) are not allowed.

  • Eccentric hairdos, excessive jewelry and excessive makeup are not permitted.

  • Excessive perfumes or colognes should not be worn while with a client.

  • Fingernails must be worn short and clean. Multiple rings with sharp edges are not allowed

  • Employees reporting to a clients’ home improperly dressed may be sent home to change.

  • Name badges must be worn at all times. You will be assigned a badge upon employment. If you lose or destroy your badge, another one will be provided at a cost of $2.00.

  • If you choose to wear an all white uniform, please ensure that it is clean, and without staining.

  • Remember that at all times while on an assignment, you are a representative of Home Care Solutions.

  • The success of our business depends largely on repeat clients and “word of mouth” from current clients. As such, you are expected to conduct yourselves appropriately. DO NOT offer clients information about your personal matters (including your cell phone number) and never speak to outsiders and divulge your clients’ identity to them. This is a HIPPA violation. NEVER give your cell phone to your client. All calls from the client need to go through the office.


You are not allowed to smoke in a clients’ home, even when invited to smoke by the client.  Simply explain that it is against company policy and go outside the home to smoke. 

If a client has specifically requested a non-smoker as their caregiver then smoking will not be permitted during your shift with that client or anywhere on the clients’ property.

Please remember that the smell of cigarette smoke may be offensive to your client.  Do not try to cover it with perfume, as this is also unpleasant to some clients.  Please try to refrain from smoking until you leave the home.

Drug Testing

Drug testing is not required as a condition of employment.  However, if an incident should occur while in a clients’ home resulting in injury to the employee or the client, the employee will immediately submit to a drug screening test. 

Negative findings will be the only way an employee will be allowed to return to work.  Refusal to submit to drug screening will result in immediate termination.

Confidentiality of Information

It is the policy of Home Care Solutions to ensure that the operations, activities and affairs of Home Care Solutions and our clients are kept confidential to the greatest possible extent.  If, during their employment, employees acquire confidential or proprietary information about Home Care Solutions or its clients, such information is to be handled in strict confidence and not to be discussed with outsiders.  Employees are also responsible for the internal security of such information.


Prior to reporting for your first scheduled assignment, all prospective employees must be hired and processed completely.  At the time the job offer is made, you will then complete all required paperwork, including those in accordance with Federal law establishing your identity and your eligibility to work in the United States, all appropriate federal, state, and local tax forms, and all necessary forms to allow the completion of a level one background screening.

You will also need to complete the Alzheimer’s Caregivers Series of instruction and the testing required and achieve a minimum of 75% accuracy.  

You will also be asked to complete an HIV training program that is offered for free at Health Department. Provide us with a current CPR certification and also have a physical exam by a physician within 30 days of your hire date. 

If you are a CNA, you will need to provide proof of licensure and keep up your CEU’s for renewal.

If you have been a HHA at another agency, you must complete the CNA competency exam and pass with a minimum of 80% accuracy.  If you do not pass the exam, you may be offered employment as a Homemaker or Companion until completion of remedial coursework. This coursework will be offered free of charge to you by this agency.

Your first ninety days at Home Care Solutions are considered an introduction period.  This is the time when the employer and employee can decide if each is right for the other and if this agency is a good “fit” for the employee.  If, at anytime during the first 90 days either party feels uncomfortable with job performance or job expectations, employment may be terminated without notice.


Performance Appraisals

To ensure that you perform your job to the best of your abilities, it is important that you are recognized for good performance and that you receive appropriate suggestions for improvement when necessary.  Consistent with this goal, your performance will be evaluated by your supervisor on an ongoing basis.  You will also receive periodic written evaluations of your performance.  Home Care Solutions endeavors to conduct written performance reviews of each employee’s performance at the end of the 90 day probationary period and annually thereafter. 

All written performance reviews will be based on your overall performance in relation to your job responsibilities and will also take into account your appearance, quantity and quality of work, conduct, demeanor, flexibility and record of attendance and tardiness. 

In addition to the regular performance evaluations described above, special written performance evaluations may be conducted by your supervisor at any time to advise you of the existence of performance or disciplinary problems.

Mandatory Training Requirements

Occasionally, you will be asked to attend additional training sessions designed to either inform you of changes within the company or for further company-wide instruction.  These sessions will be infrequent, but your presence is required unless the time conflicts with a previous assignment.  In that case, you will need to meet with your supervisor privately to get the needed information.  You will be paid a flat rate for this meeting.


You have the right and responsibility to express concerns, dissatisfaction or make complaints about services you receive or do not receive without fear of reprisal or discrimination.  Here at Home Care Solutions, we encourage you to discuss all concerns and complaints with us.  The Agency telephone number is 850-433-0733.  When you call, ask to speak with the Practice Manager or the Administrator.

Home Care Solutions has a formal grievance procedure that ensures that your concerns shall be reviewed and investigation started within 48 hours.  Every attempt shall be made to resolve all grievances within 14 days.  You will be kept informed by telephone of the status of the investigation and receive a written report when resolution is determined.

If you feel the need to discuss your concerns, dissatisfaction or complaints with other than the Home Care Solutions staff, the State (AHCA) provides a “Hot Line” that can be reached at 888-419-3456.

You may also contact our accrediting body, The Joint Commission Compliance Hot Line at 1-800-994-6610 to report your quality of care or safety concerns.  Home Care Solutions shall not take disciplinary or punitive action against any staff placing such report.


Lastly, we would like to welcome you to our team. We hope this relationship will be a great one for you and for our client’s as well!

Please remember this one thing at all times: 

A  CAREgiver is supposed to CARE.

If you don’t, this IS NOT the field for you. It will show in your work and your attitude.  If you find you don’t like what you are doing just please let us know, we will understand. This is not a profession for everybody. 

Thank you again!!

We Welcome You To Home Care Solutions!


Of Receiving Employee Handbook w/ Addendums

I have received a copy of the Employee Handbook of Home Care Solutions, LLC on the date indicated below.  I understand that I am charged with knowledge of the contents of this Employee Handbook. I understand the following concerning this Employee Handbook and the policies of HCS: This Handbook and other statements of HCS policy are prepared for informational purposes only.  The policies of HCS may be changed or amended at any time, with or without notice. Employment or assignments to HCS is not for a definite term and may be terminated by HCS or myself at any time, for any lawful reason.  No supervisor or representative of HCS, other than its General Management, has any authority to enter into any agreement of employment for any specified period of time, or to make any agreement inconsistent with this acknowledgement.  To be valid, any such agreement must be in writing, designated as an employment agreement and signed by an HCS General Manager.  .

I understand that Home Care Solutions operates a drug-free and alcohol-free workplace and that it is HCS policy that I not use controlled substances at any time and not be under the influence of alcohol while working.  As a condition of my employment the HCS, I agree to abide by the policy and to adopt it as my own.

I understand that I will not receive unemployment compensation benefits if I lose my job because I; (1) test positive for an unauthorized drug; (2) refuse to submit to or cooperate with a drug test: (3) knowingly alter or adulterate a urine or blood specimen.